






The VRA is an international Association of about 12000 members, spanning 35 countries throughout the world.

The purpose of the Association is to promote responsible motorcycling activities for its members by conducting National and Regional events, and encouraging the participation of its members while maintaining a family-orientated atmosphere.

If you own a Kawasaki Vulcan, we hope you will find our Website interesting – hopefully to the extent that you will follow the example of others and join our family of Vulcan Riders.

A whole new world of friendship, technical know-how, glorious travel opportunities, and great meetings are at hand.

On this site, you will find links and information about our National Chapters.



The forum is created

“Odinn” (Jim Sloan), a member of “The Council of 11” in VROC, starts the VRA with Bruiser (Bruce Irwin) from Australia, and was active in spreading the VRA as a worldwide association from 1998-1999.

The Association Executive Committee (AEC) is created.
The original AEC members include Odinn (USA), Bruiser (Australia), Hexonx (USA), Wrinkles (USA), Falconer (Holland), P’Nut (USA), Viking (Canada), and others.

Odinn is elected the first AEC President and Bruiser (Bruce Irwin), from Australia, is elected the first AEC Vice President.

Bruiser uses the bylaws from another bike club and changes them to fit the VRA.

By the end of 1998, the following chapters have joined the association:
1-1 Southeast VA
1-2 San Diego CA
1-3 Northern VA
1-4 Piedmont VA
1-5 Richmond VA
1-6 Dallas-FtWorth
1-7 Montreal Quebec
1-8 Western Carolina
1-9 Western NY
1-10 Greater Midwest
1-11 Atlanta GA
31-1 Nederlands
32-1 Belgium
41-1 Switzerland
44-1 UK
46-1 Sweden
49-1 Germany
61-1 Sydney Australia

UK joins the VRA (Odinn and Falconer prompt Chief (Pete Ravenscroft) to start a chapter in the winter of 1998. The chapter becomes official at the Season Opener Bike Rally in Apr 1999).

Odinn hits a deer and totals his 1500 Classic.

Having no Vulcan, Odinn resigns as AEC President and leaves the VRA.

Ty Lytle, from Oklahoma, is elected the 2nd International President.
Falconer, from Holland, is elected the 2nd International Vice President.

Falconer sells his Kawasaki and resigns as VP and from VRA.

“Chief”, from the UK, is elected the 3rd International President and remains President until Oct. 2009.

VRA Holland, Chapter #31, is established by Geert de Jonge and Ferry Schippers.
In 2005, John “Mosselman” is elected as President.

Ferry Schippers initiates the 1st International VRA Rally. The VRA Chapters in Europe decide to make it an annual event – 2006 was Sweden, 2007 Belgium, 2008 Spain, etc…

Chief initiates the idea of having National Chapters because of the differences in laws and customs between the countries.
Chief falls ill and Lorin Potter, the Non-Chapter Member President over 3,000 non-chapter members, completes the initiative.
“Fly”Lorin Potter

Italy is approved as Chapter #39.
Spain is approved as Chapter #34.
Germany rejoins the VRA (Vulcanier remains active).

Vulcan Owners Club Belgium is approved as Chapter #32.
Marc Nouwen is elected as the first National President.

Norway is approved as Chapter #47.

Harold Murray (“The Wizard”), Chapter President of the Bangor 125ers, is elected as International Vice President.

VROC Czech Republic and VRA Slovenia are approved as Chapters #420 and #386 respectively.

Vulcan Riders Denmark is approved as Chapter #45.
Alvin Lee Kuiper is elected as the first National

Spain rejoins the VRA (VOCS remains active).

On April 5th, VRA Spain is approved as Chapter #34.
José Ramón Alonso is elected as the first National President.

Lasse Lahn, from Sweden, is elected International President.

Badges (Graham Nicholls), from the UK, is elected International Vice President.

Vulcan Riders Serbia and Vulcan Riders Finland are approved as Chapters #381 and #358 respectively.

Vulcan Riders Mexico is approved as Chapter #52, and joins the VRA.

Vulcan Riders Turkey is approved as Chapter #90, is approved as a VRA Chapter.
Mehmet Yarbasa is elected the first National President.

Vulcan Riders Brazil is approved as Chapter #55.
Rogério Castelo Branco is elected as the first National President.

Vulcan Riders Austria is approved as Chapter #43.
Helmuth Hönigsperger is elected as the first National President.

Vulcan Riders France is approved as Chapter #33.
Richard Pottier is elected as the first National President.

On June 4th, Vulcan Riders Malta is approved as Chapter #356.
Twanny Borg is elected as the first National President.

Vulcan Riders Hungary is approved as Chapter #36.
Dr. Istvan Palik “Dottore” is elected as the first National

Vulcan Riders Ireland is approved as Chapter #353.
Alex Martynov is elected as the first National President.

Graham “Badges” Nicholls is elected as the 5th International President.

Davide “Aztek” Parolin is elected as the 5th International Vice President.

On April 8th, VRA Switzerland is approved as chapter #41.
Roland Häsler is elected as the first National President.

VROC Poland is approved as chapter #48.
Krzysztof Bandurski “Yamak” is elected as the first National President.

Vulcan Riders Philippines is approved as chapter #63.
Mario Maligad is elected as the first National President.

VRA Taiwan officially joins the VRA family as chapter #886.

Vulcan Riders Australia is approved as Chapter #61.
Robert Fitzpatrick is elected as the first National President.

Mr. Nagahara, CEO of Kawasaki Motorcycle Europe, and Graham “Badges” Rees Nicholls sign at the KME GQ in Holland a Certificate of Affiliation, that recognize the Vulcan Riders Association Europe as an official association in respect of independently organised Kawasaki brand owner clubs and associations.

VRA Lithuania officially joins the VRA family as chapter #370.
Alfonsas Siurna is elected as National President.

On November 16th, VRA Estonia officially joins the VRA family as chapter #372.
Eglit Uke is elected as National President.

Helmuth “Helmi” Hönigsperger is elected as the 6th International Vice President.

VRA Thailand officially joins the VRA family as chapter #66.
Carlos Basallote is elected as National President.

VRA Croatia officially joins the VRA family as chapter #385.
Radoja Ivičić is elected as National President.

VRA Portugal officially joins the VRA family as chapter #351.
Carolina Cruz is elected as National President.





Over than 12000 members spread all over the world with 34 National Chapter and the family keeps growing!
Officially recognized from Kawasaki Europe as first and unique Kawasaki Custom Official Club.
Contact your local chapter and

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